Why Should You Start A Therapy Podcast?


After earning your degree, have you ever considered launching a podcast about therapy? If your answer is yes, you know that a significant amount of research is necessary.

These days, patients love therapy podcasts like All Things Therapy because of their effectiveness. Additionally, since they are audio files, it is easy for anyone to listen to them. You can quickly and effectively establish a sense of acknowledgment by sharing your personal experiences with your audience.

Additionally, by doing this, you can boost your practice without any issues. As a result, starting a podcast to help others has several advantages. Let us now examine them in detail:

·         Easy to Make

One of the main reasons people want to create podcasts like Lisa Tahir's is that they are convenient to make. Anyone with a smartphone can use it to record audio files and upload them to various social media platforms. Of course, to create high-quality podcasts, you can also employ multiple tools, such as microphones, cameras, etc. Still, it would help if you waited until you had a significant audience before doing so.

·         Imparts Knowledge

You may help people by producing and sharing podcasts that include essential information and solutions. Sharing your experiences on any social media platform can help others deal with their problems more effectively. In addition, you can record your podcasts in a way that provides your listeners with a boost of inspiration and self-confidence, like All Things Therapy.

·         Boosts Your Popularity

Your popularity will increase significantly because of your podcasts without any obstacles. You can employ audio files, which are significantly popular among this generation, to establish a solid reputation for yourself. You will be able to improve your abilities and attract more patients if more people visit your page regularly. Additionally, you can take advantage of this factor to advertise your practice.

·         Helps You Earn Extra Money

You can earn a significant amount of money by creating and uploading podcasts. If you want to make money from your podcasts, you can choose several methods, such as advertising different products, selling your books, soliciting donations, etc.

·         Boosts Your Reach

You can expand your reach by uploading frequent podcasts like Lisa Tahir. You can interact with other therapists through this platform and gain detailed knowledge of their methods and experiences. As soon as others find out about you, they will invite you to speak on several occasions, boosting your development.


If you do not know where to start, it can be challenging to start a podcast yourself. However, you may discover the various benefits of creating a channel with the aid of this blog. As a result, you should pick a subject and get started immediately. 


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